Why I love Halloween

Halloween is probably best known as a night for the kids, but I for one look forward to the day formerly known as All Hallows Eve as much as the next child. Sure, many Aussies give grief to Halloween for being an ‘American thing’, and another reason to spend money, and bad for kid’s teeth and for whatever reason people feel like channelling their internal Scrooge. But really, Halloween is what you make it, and for me, it is a special night indeed.

Now, you’re probably thinking “wow, this guy must really like lollies and dressing up in scary costumes”, and some of you would actually be half right. I do don black garb and apply some strange face paint, sometimes a mask. I buy a bunch of lollies (for which no kids ever seem to come) and settle in for a night of horror flicks in the background, beer in hand, and some type of food that includes pumpkin.

But the special part of Halloween for me, runs more in line with the South American Day of the Dead, or Día de Muertos. It is a day when I remember all of my fallen friends and family and I devise a little tribute to each of them. I light some incense and remember one thing that they taught me, or recall some incident that I shared with them and I honour their memory in my own small way. I do this because, quite honestly, I have trouble remembering each individual anniversary, and so I make this one day of the year a memorable occasion for all my loved ones who have passed on. 

And if kids swing by for a spot of trick-or-treat, all the better. It is not a day for commiserating, but rather a day for celebrating the parts played in my life by my dearly departed.

Halloween is also a time when I reflect on my own spirituality, as well as ruminate on my own past and future. According to the legends, spirits abound on All Hallows Eve and, for that reason, be it psychological or supernatural, I feel it’s a great time to commune with the ether, to howl at the moon and open myself up to the unknown, and to just be a bit silly. I know this may sound strange, and indeed, it quite possibly is, but I truly enjoy Halloween – it somehow magically seems to energise me and makes me feel more at one with my spirit, my soul and myself.

So, check in with your inner child, don a mask, and get into the Halloween spirit in your own way. Why not let our marvellous members know how you celebrate Halloween? We’d all love to hear about it!

Okay, enough with the esoteric woo-woo, here’s a bunch of Halloween videos to help you get in the moooooooooood…

Making ‘malloween’ treats


A brief history of Halloween


More easy Halloween treats


Day of the dead celebrations


Simple scary snacks


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