Advertise with YourLifeChoices

Older Australians hold 50 per cent of the nation’s wealth. Want to talk to them? Talk to us.

The median age in Australia is increasing.

People aged 55+ are only 27 per cent of the population yet own 50 per cent of the nation’s private wealth and have 46 per cent of the disposable income.*

This growing segment of the population is exactly who we talk to.

YourLifeChoices offers advertisers the opportunity to engage with their target audience across Australia’s longest established, highest membership, retirement website and weekly podcast.

Our members are active and engaged, creating a community of like-minded, passionate people, determined to live their best possible life – and most affordable retirement.

Utilise the reach and engagement that YourLifeChoices offers and get in touch with us today.

Contact: [email protected]

Phone: 0404 313 244 (Maddison Dwyer)
If we don’t answer, don’t fret! Leave a voicemail or send an SMS and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

*Secrets and Lies: Ageless and Booming, WPP AUNZ

Target Australia’s 50+ market

YourLifeChoices provides a range of different advertising options for companies targeting Australia’s lucrative 50+ market. YourLifeChoices boasts robust traffic statistics and industry leading click through rates in our Enewsletters. Advertising options include preferred partnership packages, microsite sponsorships, display advertising, EDMs, enewsletter content (including native and sponsored content), lead generation campaigns, podcast and webinar content and flexible bespoke packages.

There is no downside.

Advertising to 50–75-year-olds on YourLifeChoices website and in our enewsletters is risk free, as we guarantee an agreed minimum number of page views or to hit your desired metrics. At the conclusion of your activity a report will be sent confirming this amount has been reached – and in most cases surpassed.

Contact: [email protected]

Phone: 0404 313 244 (Maddison Dwyer)
If we don’t answer, don’t fret! Leave a voicemail or send an SMS and we’ll get back to you ASAP.