Concession card discrimination unfair

While 93,000 pensioners will see their Pensioner Concession Cards reinstated in October, there are some who, due to the timing of when they lost their Age Pension, won’t. David is one such pensioner who is so incensed, he decided to contact Human Services Minister Alan Tudge to voice his displeasure and request an explanation.

Here’s what David had to say – do you agree?

“The Hon Alan Tudge MP,

I received a phone call today from your department in reply to an email I sent on Friday regarding the Pensioner Concession Card. The explanation I received was very confusing.

The conversation I had was, the pensioners who lost the Pension Concession Card on the 1 January 2017 would have it reinstated on the 9 October 2017, and exempted from an assets and income test.

I understand this will only happen if the legislation is passed. The bit I didn’t understand was, that pensioners who lost or will lose the pension from the 2 January 2017 due to a change in circumstances will not receive the concession card.

Is this correct, and if so, how is this fair? This means a pensioner who could have more than  $150,000.00 over the threshold on 1 January 2017 will have the card reinstated. But a pensioner who from 2 January may exceed the threshold by, let us say  $15,000, would lose the card. This does not make any sense.

I hope this inquiry can be answered in writing to the satisfaction of all pensioners that are going to read this reply, especially those who may be affected by it.

Please advise me if my request has not been clearly understood.”


What are your thoughts? Will you also miss out on having your Pensioner Concession Card reinstated?

Related articles:
Concession card reinstatement
Will concession cards be returned?

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