Five fun umbrellas for a rainy day

The humble umbrella has been helping people to weather storms for over 4000 years, but why should an object just be practical when it can be fun too? These five umbrellas won’t just keep you dry – they’ll make you wish it could rain every day so you have an excuse to use them.

Australian map umbrella

It might be plain black on the outside, but inside this umbrella there’s a vintage Australian map.

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See-through umbrella

How many times have you tilted your umbrella to see where you’re going, only to have the rain pattering down on your shoes? This umbrella will solve that problem once and for all.

Designed by 25 Togo Studio

Octopus umbrella

When it’s blowing up a gale in your neighbourhood, hang on for dear life to an octopus’ tentacle.

Cup holder umbrella

We’re not going to say this will solve the problems of millions of city slickers all over the world but… well, ok, it will.

Designed by Ek Design

Clock parasol

This nifty umbrella is designed based on the curvature of the earth. As the sun lights the umbrella, the approximate time is illuminated.

Designed by Kota Nezu

Amelia Theodorakis
Amelia Theodorakis
A writer and communications specialist with eight years’ in startups, SMEs, not-for-profits and corporates. Interests and expertise in gender studies, history, finance, banking, human interest, literature and poetry.
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