Wills made simple a success

More older Australians now know how simple – and affordable – it is to create a will, after participating in our Wills Made Simple webinar yesterday afternoon.

Willed.com.au co-founders Aaron Zelman and Ryan Solomons joined the YourLifeChoices team to take our members step by step through the often confronting and confusing process of creating a will.

In what we hope will be the first of many webinars aimed at helping you with your life choices, the Wills Made Simple webinar was well received by those who attended.

And we had fun too.

“Right from the get-go, we had members asking questions, highly engaged and keen to find out more about wills,” said YourLifeChoices publisher Leon Della Bosca.

“It goes to show that wills and estate planning can be a challenging, as is apparent by the 50 per cent of Australians – maybe more – who don’t have a will or need to update one.”

More than 200 questions were submitted by YourLifeChoices members prior to the webinar, most of which Aaron was able to expertly answer in his 30-minute presentation.

There were also a slew of questions fired throughout the webinar, which, as promised, were answered by Willed legal counsel Ryan Solomons.

Questions such as, “Can I create a joint will?”, “What can I do to prevent my will being challenged” and “Can I exclude an estranged child from my will?” were answered, as well as many dealing with issues around superannuation, overseas investments and more.

If you missed the webinar, you can watch it now.

If you have any questions about creating or updating your will, please head to willed.com.au and click on the orange ‘Chat with us live’ button. Or you could ask your question in the comments section below.

And YourLifeChoices members can use a special discount code, 20YLC, to receive 20 per cent off the cost of an online will.

We’re already planning our next webinar, so keep an eye on your inbox for your invitation.

“We want to make content more accessible and fun for our members, and webinars are a way to give them access to experts who can deliver complex ‘lessons’ in 30 minutes or so,” said Leon.

“And the webinar format is a great way to extend the two-way conversation we already have with our members. We’re not delivering a sermon, we’re engaging them in a virtual classroom format and giving them the opportunity to ask questions and get direct feedback.

“And in the process, we learn just as much from them as they hopefully do from us.”

Have you got a will? What’s stopping you?

Do you have any webinar topic suggestions? Why not send them to [email protected]?

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