Easy-peasy Eggplant Bake

Inexpensive and flavoursome, our Easy-peasy Eggplant Bake will set you back around $2.50 per serve and is very simple to prepare. Oh, and it tastes great, too!

Ingredients (serves four)
2 large eggplants
4 tablespoons olive oil
500ml tomato passata sauce
1 cup grated mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 180°C. Cut eggplant into 1 cm thick slices. Place slices into a colander and sprinkle with salt. Allow to stand for half an hour, using a bowl to weigh the eggplant down.

After half an hour rinse the eggplant under cold water and pat dry with paper towel. Lightly brush the eggplant slices with olive oil and grill or fry until lightly golden on both sides.

Use half the eggplant to make a layer on the bottom of a large ovenproof dish. Season with pepper, then add half the tomato sauce, half the mozzarella and half the parmesan. Repeat these layers, then bake for half an hour or until golden on top. Serve hot.

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