Grocery items you should never buy full price

We’re all watching our budgets at the moment, but one good tactic to minimise the pain is to chase supermarket specials. And there are some grocery lines that go on special so often you should never pay full price.

Here’s a basic rundown.

Morning Fresh. I love this product – lots of bubbles, good cleaning factor and it’s so often slashed to half price or near half price you could buy it every other month. I’m finding the larger size is less likely to be half price these days, but the smaller versions are very often discounted. They come in more interesting fragrances too.

Clothes washing powder. There is always one brand on sale. This is not a coincidence. The vast majority of well-known brands are owned by just a handful of companies, so they negotiate special prices over a set period to always have something on sale. Even better, Aldi is almost always cheaper on cleaning products with no loss of quality.

Toilet paper. Same as the above, there is always a brand on sale. Unless you are in a worldwide pandemic and then it’s every panic-buying idiot to themselves.

Chips. My goodness chips have escalated in price. Thankfully, you can usually find a brand with at least a bit off. It helps if you don’t buy them every week. That’s hard for me.

Coke. I don’t want to recommend this sticky drink on health grounds, but the truth is it is one of Australia’s best-selling grocery lines. That and dog food – make of that what you will. Anyway, Coke and Pepsi bring out so many versions it’s now possible to buy at least one of them on special every week if you’re not too fussy.

Mayonnaise. Used to be you could only buy one brand and that brand was Praise. Now there is a variety available and usually one on special every week. Even if it’s not on special for one week, you aren’t going to need a tub every week, are you? Please say you aren’t.

Deli ham: Thankfully there are so many varieties at least one is on sale.

Ice cream. Supermarkets like to spread their specials over every department, so don’t worry, there will be a sweet, frozen treat on a stick or in a tub at a good price out there for you every week.

Bonds underwear. Both the big two chains have half-price specials on Bonds every couple of months or so. Definitely in the ‘nuthin fancy’ end of the scale as far as underwear goes, but does the trick.

Festive chocolates. Do not pay full price for Easter, Christmas, Mother’s Day or Father’s Day chocolates. There will be a shelf end full of half-price specials, sometimes better than half price. If you are like my dad, you will be pleased you were given a bargain.

Twinings Tea: Regularly goes on half-price sale and one of the best supermarket teas.

Vegetable oil: I’m leaning away from olive oil these days because of the cost, but those big four-litre vegetable oil containers go on half price enough that I can buy one and wait a few months until they go on special again. I do not want to pay $32 full price, but will buy it for $16.

Do you make a point of stocking up when items are on special? What’s your favourite shopping tip? Why not share it in the comments section below?

Also read: Grocery price guile gets most of us in

Jan Fisher
Jan Fisher
Accomplished journalist, feature writer and sub-editor with impressive knowledge of the retirement landscape, including retirement income, issues that affect Australians planning and living in retirement, and answering YLC members' Age Pension and Centrelink questions. She has also developed a passion for travel and lifestyle writing and is fast becoming a supermarket savings 'guru'.
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