No-Bake Choc-Caramel Slice

A twist on the old favourite with the inclusion of fresh dates, cashews and peanut butter. It’s less sweet than traditional caramel slice recipes, but just as delicious. This is a slice that everyone will enjoy!

Prep time: 1 hr and 20 mins

Serves: 24 (or 48 bite-sized pieces)


120g (3/4 cup) unsalted cashews

45g 1/2 cup) rolled oats

80g (1 cup) desiccated coconut

6 fresh dates, pitted

70g (1/3 cup) Copha, melted (see tip)

190g (1 1/4 cup) unsalted cashews

20 fresh dates, pitted (see tip)

60ml  (1/4 cup) boiling water

70g (1/4 cup) smooth peanut butter (see tip)

70g (1/3 cup) Copha, melted (see tip)

Chocolate topping:
100g dark chocolate, chopped

20g (1 tablespoon) Copha, chopped


For the base: grease and line a 20cm square tin. Make sure the paper has a 2cm overhang.

Using a food processor, process the cashews, rolled oats, coconut, dates and melted Copha until they resemble fine breadcrumbs. Use the back of a spoon to press the mix firmly and evenly into the baking tray. Place in the fridge to set for 10 minutes.

For the caramel: place the cashews in a small bowl and pour over boiling water to cover. Set aside to soak for five minutes. Drain.

Using a food processor, process the dates, cashews and boiling water for 4 minutes or until smooth. Add the peanut butter and melted Copha and process until smooth.

Spoon over the biscuit base and smooth the top using a pallet knife.

For the chocolate topping: in a medium heatproof bowl, combine the chocolate and Copha. Place bowl over a pot of lightly simmering water. Stir occasionally until melted. Remove from heat.

Pour chocolate mix over caramel and put in the fridge for one hour to set. Slice into 24 bars.

Melt the Copha in microwave on high or in a saucepan until fully melted. Any nut butter can be used in this recipe. You may want to roughly chop your dates before adding to the food processor to ensure smoother processing.

You can keep this slice in the fridge for up to a week. Or freeze cut slice for up to two months.

Recipe provided by Peerless Foods.

Get more Copha recipes here and more Fairy recipes here.

Can’t find a favourite recipe from the 1960s, `70s or `80s? Here are Betty King’s Cook Book; Secrets From Grandma’s Pantry; What Shall I Cook Today? 

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Janelle Ward
Janelle Ward
Energetic and skilled editor and writer with expert knowledge of retirement, retirement income, superannuation and retirement planning.
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