Science steps in to explain why we don’t like self-checkouts

Self-checkouts attract a lot of strong opinion, much of it negative. Now there is some science to back up the way we’re feeling.

A report published in the Journal of Business Research examined the influence of self-serve versus regular checkouts on customer loyalty, and the results aren’t good for Australian supermarkets hell-bent on funnelling us into more and more self-checkouts.

The research examined how self-service checkouts affect customers’ shopping experience with particular reference to customer loyalty.

It found that the regular checkout service made customers more loyal to the store and more likely to revisit.

Study co-author Professor Yanliu Huang said a “sense of entitlement” played a role in explaining the effect of loyalty.

Lower customer loyalty

“Our findings indicate that self-checkout systems, despite their advantages in terms of speed, ease of use and cost reduction, can result in lower customer loyalty compared to regular checkout systems, especially when the number of purchased items is relatively high (e.g. more than 15 items),” said Prof. Huang.

Prof. Huang and co-author Professor Farhana Nusrat conducted five studies for their research.

They found the extra effort required to check out and pack purchases, and the expectation of being served by the store, were negative consequences of self-checkout and decreased loyalty to the store.

However, when shoppers viewed the extra effort in self-checkout as a worthwhile experience, their store loyalty matched that of regular checkout shoppers.

“We found that when customers were encouraged to think of the extra effort involved in self-checkout as a rewarding experience, their perceived loyalty to the store was similar to those of regular checkout shoppers,” Prof. Huang said.

Do you think self-checkouts are a step back for your shopping experience? Why not share your opinion in the comments section below?

Also read: Supermarket pricing tactics lead to unhealthy choices, data shows

Jan Fisher
Jan Fisher
Accomplished journalist, feature writer and sub-editor with impressive knowledge of the retirement landscape, including retirement income, issues that affect Australians planning and living in retirement, and answering YLC members' Age Pension and Centrelink questions. She has also developed a passion for travel and lifestyle writing and is fast becoming a supermarket savings 'guru'.


  1. I won’t use them. In fact I wouldn’t use them even if they offered a token discount to do so.
    I want people to have jobs and enjoying good banter with most of the staff helps make the day a bit more enjoyable bothways.

  2. I try not to use them as I seem to always have to have the assistance for reason of the item (usually) will not scan, change not given, receipt jammed, having to wait as only 1 or 2 cash registers, & if you have any other parcels in your trolley, it queries this – so the assistant told me to put the trolly behind me to avoid this question. Seriously? Then in Kmart you have to show your receipt & have someone check your items are paid for. !!

  3. There’s the old reasons “can’t use staff canteen” “don’t work here” etc but really what’s next? There’s a truck out the back needs unloading! Go do it, shelves need filling where will it stop?
    When you buy groceries the price includes everything (shelf fillers, checkout staff, deli operatives, the list goes on) so all that should be needed is to pick your items and go to checkout and pay!!!!!

  4. I refuse to use self-checkouts for several reasons.
    I would rather the supermarkets paid more staff and operated my manned checkouts as they provide employment. The supermarket doesn’t pay me to do my own checkout and packing – if they offered a minimum of 10% discount I “might’ consider it if the checkout queues were too long at manned checkouts.
    I also, on the few occasions that I have to use a self serve checkout, cover the insidious camera that is watching you on the checkout screen….easy to cover for the transaction.
    Shopping in itself is an arduous task, so it is nice to chat to the person on the manned checkout – in most cases the checkout operators are all pleasant.
    There will always be some who want to use a self-checkout terminal, but I suspect that the majority of shoppers would prefer a manned checkout.

  5. Where we live, the only service counter is for cigarettes and returns and is always busy.
    Every checkout has a camera and to make it worse, they have just installed TV’s at the end of every line so staff can watch your every move.
    Apart from feeling so uncomfortable as if I am stealing, the staff are very young and make you feel like an idiot whenever you need help.
    I am seriously thinking of leaving Coles all together, when I have done their survey, they ignore all my complaints.
    Yesterday I purchased a bag of prunes that only a month ago cost $11. The price is now $12. Where do they get off putting it up so much? What happened to a price rise of say 20 cents.

  6. I refuse to use them for the following reasons:
    1 – I’m not employed to scan my purchases, then pack them;
    2 – I don’t receive worker’s compensation if I have an accident using the machines;
    3 – I don’t get a ‘staff discount’ for doing it myself.

  7. The one thing I am concerned about is the unemployment these stupid things produce. Also, I pay for a person to process my purchase so why don’t I get a discount for doing it myself? Will never use a self-checkout ever and I would walk out of the shop if that was the only way to pay for my shopping.

  8. I will never use these “Self Serve” checkouts again.
    A couple of Years ago I went shopping for a Birthday Card, so into the Grocery Store I went (It was a Woolies), found the Card I wanted. Made my way to the Checkout Area, There were only 2 of the 8 Manned Checkouts open, with about 8 to 10 people, with Full Trolleys, queued at each. Therefore I decided to “try” the Self Checkout, as there were a number available.
    This is where it got really interesting:-
    I scanned the Card and placed it in the Out Tray,
    The Register “told me to place the Item in the Out Tray”
    I lifted the Card and Replaced it in the Out Tray,
    The Register still “told me to place the Item in the Out Tray”
    I looked around for a Staff Member to come and Help, BUT, None to be seen !!
    I waited for over 10 Minutes for a Staff Member to arrive, and then placed the Card on top of the Scanner, and left !!
    As I was leaving I was stopped by a Staff Member who had just arrived, and asked what I was doing, to which I replied “Leaving and Never Coming Back” and gave my reasons, and I have Never Been Back.
    I now shop at my local Foodland, with does not have any “Self Checkouts”

  9. I won’t use self checkout. Young staff need experience mingling with the public of various ages. Conversation is lacking nowadays. Woolworths, Coles and Sefton Pk Foodland have my 2 litre milk all at $5.40. Foodland Kilkenny only charges $4.95 for the same 2 litre milk.
    Why do the others charge an additional 8% extra profit on the same staple item?

  10. This self-checkout procedure is a cost-saving tool supermarkets use. No staff are needed, no salary has to be paid, no super or any other benefits are paid to staff. It is a racket. Usually, one staff member wanders around trying to look busy but seldom helps the customer who struggles with a trolley and a shelf as big as a small tray and then has to pack their paid-for groceries. They want you to use this method as they usually only have one cashier open, and the queue is five trollies long. Very cunning I must say.

  11. I only shop weekly and always have a full trolley. No way am I going to stand at the self-checkout and scan each item and then put it back in the trolley.
    The checkout people are always lovely, polite and know how I like my purchases bagged. Win, Win.
    When they have trolleys that automatically scan each item that is put in the trolley then I will probably change over.

  12. I will always use a self service checkout as I’m not waiting in line when I can do it myself and pack it the way I want. I’ve had younger males on the serviced checkouts that pack so much stuff in a bag you can hardly lift it, and if you say something – yes nicely- you’re being disrespectful to them. Also, for the people that think it will employ more people to have more staffed checkouts open, no it won’t, as there are more online shoppers employed than they would employee checkout staff. Do you not see the huge drawered trolleys that they shop with? I have a relative who works for one of the supermarkets and we don’t see the staff out the back also. Times have changed and sometimes we have to change with them. Ok maybe it’s not for everyone, so don’t shop at the major players, as there are more things to worry about than whether you pack items yourself or not.

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