Almost half of Australian adults are not getting the recommended amount of sleep each night, data from the Sleep Health Foundation has revealed.
The survey showed 4 out of 10 Aussie adults do not average the required seven to nine hours sleep each night recommended by doctors.
Obviously feeling tired the next day is frustrating, but chronic lack of sleep can also have a number of detrimental health effects.
“Sleep is a fundamental biological need which is essential for recuperation, memory consolidation, performance, learning and emotional wellbeing,” the foundation says.
Lack of sleep can cause poor immune function, cognitive impairment, muscle aches, as well as increase the risk of type II diabetes and heart disease.
“Inadequate sleep, in all its forms, has detrimental impacts on physical and mental health, daytime alertness, mood, work performance and accident risk.”
How much sleep do you get each night? Do you think you’d average more than seven hours a night?