Communities put on high alert over disgusting pest

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    • #1752466
      Janelle Ward

      A seemingly unstoppable pest is on the move once again and has been spotted just an hour north of Sydney.
      The NSW Department of Primary Industries biosecurity helpline has confirmed a report that a number of cane toads were found at a property west of Lake Macquarie.
      Seventeen were caught by a joint NSW government-University of Newcastle team the following day and more have been found since.
      It’s not uncommon for a cane toad or two to arrive in surprising spots via truck, but NSW agriculture minister Dugald Saunders said the size of the colony indicated “there could be many more in the area”.
      He said it was “critical” for community members to be diligent in keeping an eye out for and reporting “rogue toads”.
      “Now is not the time for complacency – cane toads pose a significant risk to our domestic and native fauna and it is critical we keep them out of NSW,” he said.
      Do you live in an area infested with toads? Have they had an impact on the native wildlife?

    • #1752520

      Sorry, when I first saw the article, Communities Put On Alert Over Disgusting Pests, I thought it had Political Overtones and referred to the disgusting creatures known as Politician’s. I now see it references Cane Toads, who caused a hell of a lot less damage than Politicians, the self-righteous,hypocritical,nest feathering, travel wroughting bludgers (in most case), who continually rape the Australian Taxpayer. Sorry, I do apologise to the humble Cane Toad. Jacka.

      • #1752772

        Totally agree Jacka, the most ‘DISGUSTIG PESTS” that I’ve come across are human!

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