Cute kettle helps those with arthritis safely pour boiling water

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    • #1712410

      woman pouring hot water into a cup

      This came into us from Danielle Marsland, who does volunteer PR for this company that has designed a kettle and other ‘tea-time’ products especially for those with arthritis and weak wrists. We’re not being paid for any of this. Just thought it was worth sharing here.


      If you’ve ever watched a loved one or someone you care for struggle with a simple everyday ritual like making a cup of tea, you’ll know that heartbreaking feeling of watching someone’s independence slip away, with many that we care for grappling with what might be a multitude of challenges. Perhaps arthritis pains or difficulty with fine motor tasks make lifting a heavy kettle of water tough. Perhaps they could have fears of knocking over the kettle with jerking movements caused by their cerebal palsy. Or maybe scalding themselves with hot water is a concern if they suffer from hand pain, or a tremor gets in the way.

      A mobility aid can be a life-changing addition for someone you care for who suffers from any kind of mobility issues or restricted hand strength. The Uccello Kettle & Tipper is a revolutionary product that’s finally available in Australia. Founded on innovative ideas that combine function and aesthetics, Uccello Design’s ergonomically designed all in one kettle and tipper provides greater independence for those we care for, improving their quality of life by contributing to their overall emotional and physical well-being.

      So how does it work? Once the water has boiled, the kettle can be tilted forward while still in its base to pour the water, so there is no risk of spilling, or dropping the kettle.  It is an ideal kitchen aid for anyone who feels unsafe using a traditional kettle or who experiences any shaking, or tremor in their hands, or who has poor strength and grip. 

      Uccello is the brainchild of Italian inventor and designer, Andy De Petra, who relocated to Australia in his youth. Later in life, de Petra was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis and began struggling to complete tasks that he could once carry out with ease. Andy’s frustrations culminated one day while he was making his beloved morning coffee – the weight of the full kettle was a struggle to lifet, and he pondered other people who must be faced with the same inability. Andy’s ingenious idea was to create a kettle that could pivot about a fulcrum, significantly decreasing the input energy required to operate it – the Uccello Kettle was born. The name ‘Uccello’ means little bird, in reference to its bird-like appearance (the attributes of the kettle – it bends at the middle, tilting down towards the ground, and has a beak (the spout). 

      And if you think you need a little extra grip on your cup, try the Uccello Grip Mat – a high quality and long-lasting non-slip mat – it’s a great position locator for your cup when pouring from your Uccello Kettle. The Grip Mat is designed to assist those with reduced strength, mobility, or dexterity to assist with twisting open lids on jars etc. or just keeping thing secure from moving. 

      Uccello haven’t stopped there, offering yet another fantastic product in their range that we also love – The Muggi Cup Holder is a unique and innovative way to transport up to 4 cups, glasses, or bottles safely and easily if you have limited or reduced mobility – The Cup Holder is ideal for wheelchair users. There are 4 cup handle slots for each cup, so you you’ve no worries about your cup not fitting and the Muggi will catch any potential drips inside the tray without letting it spill on to the ground. There are 4 non-slip rubber feet for added safety which prevent the Muggi from moving on any surface – wet or dry. 

      Uccello’s range of products are a godsend – here to help those you care for make and enjoy hot drink safely and steadily every time, enabling them to live independently, and give you the peace of mind knowing that they are no longer at risk of pain or strain, or burns and scalds.

      What do yo think of this idea? Would you like to see more products and ideas like these posted on the forum?

    • #1712411

      Tell us more, please. Like where is it available to purchase and cost?

    • #1712412

      Thank you for this. What a great idea. I have arthritis in my thumbs and wrists so gripping is sometimes quite difficult. Sore shoulders make lifting a kettle a pain at times.

      I’ll check it out

    • #1712413

      I have badly fractured my back in a fall. I found I could not carry or lift my regular kettle as it exacerbated my pain. The Uccelo kettle is so much easier to use.

      I purchased mine from a supplier of aids for dis able so you might try there.

    • #1712414

      Where to buy in Australia.

      Uccelo kettle stockists list from Google …

      Click here.

    • #1712415


      Just click on the link in red print in Leon’s article … where you can purchase the kettle

      You can also purchase it on EBAY



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