Expert advises how often you should really wash your hair

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    • #1826752
      Brad Lockyer

      Trichologist (hair and scalp specialist) Chelcey Salinger has settled the debate once and for all by telling the Daily Mail how many times a week she recommends washing your hair.

      The specialist says you should wash your hair and scalp every day, especially if you’ve worked out or have been sweating.

      “The ‘gold standard’ would be to wash your hair every day,” she says.

      “If the shampoo is well balanced in regards to its pH, frequent hair washing is beneficial because it helps balance the scalp’s pH and prevents overgrowth of unfavourable bacteria.

      “Shampooing hair helps to remove the build-up of sebum (oil) on the scalp and any dirt and debris.

      Many of the ‘bad’ bacteria are sebum-dependent, which is why it is good to wash the hair frequently.”

      How often do you wash your hair?

    • #1826838
      Allen Gilchrist

      It’s about time you people got all your so-called experts together and sort things out because like the one says daily yet a few months ago another one said once or twice a week, so come on get them together and let them fight it out then you can take the winners advice and drop the subject altogether.

      • #1826902

        I totally agree with you Allen.

    • #1826907
      [email protected]

      Once size does not fit all, some people have very oily hair and some dry hair. There would be so many variables. I am just querying this advice as when I leant dog grooming I was told they had a self cleaning coat so to brush daily but to shampoo not so often.

    • #1826913
      [email protected]

      Nonsense. We’ve known for decades about over washing the bodys’ natural oils and organisms. We’ve also known about who pays for these ‘expert’ studies for a while as well (“.)

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