Free vouchers worth $125 per person

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    • #1729345
      Janelle Ward

      Many businesses are still in recovery mode due to the pandemic, even though it’s mostly now business as usual.
      One Australian state has restarted an initiative to get people out and about.
      Victorians can receive up to $125 worth of dining and entertainment vouchers per person until 16 December or until the $25 million budget is gone.
      The vouchers give 25 per cent off a total spend of at least $40 at participating dining and entertainment establishments. These include food courts, fast food outlets, food trucks, cinemas, theatres, exhibitions, museums, zoos, amusement parks and many more.
      The vouchers were first introduced in Victoria last year and the $32 million allocation was used in just three months.
      For a comprehensive list of participating businesses and the guidelines, or to claim your refund, go here.
      Did you use this offer last time around? Will you this time?


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