Greece adopts a six-day working week, should we follow?

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    • #1836320
      Jan Fisher

      Greece was once considered the financial basket case of Europe.

      Between their hatred of paying taxes, reluctance to get people to pay taxes and generous and early pension schemes, the country was on its knees not so long ago.

      A shrinking and ageing population doesn’t help.

      It’s turned it around somewhat, but will a new proposal turbocharge the economy?

      The pro-business government has instigated a six-day working week, starting next week. Not surprisingly, it’s generated a furious backlash.

      It’s been described as ‘barbaric’, ‘unfair’ and ‘making no sense whatsoever’, but in Greek. Perhaps the most contentious issue is workers will not have a choice. The final decision will be up to employers

      Under the extended proposal, staff in select industries and manufacturing facilities will have the option of working an additional two hours a day or an extra eight-hour shift, rewarded with a top-up fee of 40 per cent added to the daily wage.

      Either choice, the centre right government claims, will redress the issue of employees not being paid for overtime while also tackling the pervasive problem of undeclared work.

      Do you think it will work? Should Australia adopt a similar program?

    • #1836386

      What a great idea. Let’s address the productivity problem in Australia. But no doubt the government here will continue on a stupid path of cutting hours and legislating more holidays and inadequate pay rises for less and less work while taxes skyrocket. Time workers woke up to reality. We need to work longer, harder, and with more pride in workmanship. The work ethic has been lost in this country. While the quality of life has degraded with the weakening of family and community values, materialism and greed has driven changes in attitude that have caused economic malaise. And it seems neither the population nor the government has any sensible answers. While increasing work hours, though, we should simultaneously decrease them for mothers, reduce childcare hours, and actively endorse a return to family and community values.

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