How much flatulence is too much?

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    • #1808704

      Breaking wind news!

      Depending on who you ask, most people pas wind anywhere from seven to 12 times a day. That’s the number the federal government says is ‘healthy’. The Cleveland Clinic says it’s between 14 and 23 times daily. But(t) the Canadian Society for Intestinal Research says healthy individuals may ‘fart’ between 12 to 25 times a day while Healthline reports an average person lets one go about 15 times per day.

      So, with all those numbers in mind, it’s fairly safe to say exceeding 25 bottom blurts a day could indicate excessive flatulence. Basically, there’s no definitive ‘fart count’.

      You might wish to see a GP about unhealthy flatulation if you’re farting more than 25 times a day, you’re bloated and in pain, you’re smelling quite bad (or as John Elder puts it “like a burst gas pipe”), or if you experience a change in toilet habits, such as persistent diarrhoea or constipation.

      Excessive flatulence might just be a sign of eating too much broccoli, beans, dairy or other foods; drinking too much beer or other fizzy drinks; or it could be a food intolerance, or something more serious such as celiac disease, irritable bowel disease, colon cancer or intestinal obstruction.

      Do you ever worry that you flatulate too much?

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