The most recent census results show that fewer Australians embrace traditional religions than in the past. This has not, however, translated into fewer Australians – and retailers – getting into the Christmas spirit.
And with Christmas Day just over a month away, many Aussies are starting to do just that. Retailers started weeks ago, of course. I’m pretty sure I spotted (and may have even bought) Christmas mince tarts in Woolworths at the beginning of October.
But what about Australians in general? When do most of us think the festive season begins?
When I was growing up, the Christmas tree would go up or come in (we had a live one in a pot outside when I was very young) only a few days before Christmas Day. But it was usually such a late date only because the whole process was driven by Mum, who had enough on her plate as a mother of six (and working full time after I started school) before having to think about Christmas trees, decorations and stockings.
As a Catholic family, though, the period known as Advent was important, though, so without fail, our six Advent calendars would be stuck up on the living room wall on December 1 each year.
In those days (the 1960s), Advent calendars – at least our ones – did not have treats behind each door. Rather they had some sort of Christmassy illustration – maybe a toy or a reindeer. That was good enough for me. Each picture represented another day closer to Christmas Day. It was an exciting time.
A couple of our old family Advent calendars. Seeing my one (top) makes me very nostalgic!
The Advent calendar kind of solidified the first day of December as the beginning of Christmas for me. But for others it’s different.
In the US, for much of the past century, the day after Thanksgiving (the fourth Thursday in November) has been considered the starting point for retailers. The concept spawned the phenomenon now known as Black Friday.
Thanksgiving does not have the same importance here, but Black Friday sales now abound in Australia.
Do you take these sales as the start of the festive season? Or is there a different ‘trigger’ point for you? Does your Christmas tree come out on a specific date? Does it still come out at all?
What festive traditions have evolved in your family?