One more requirement before you can get a driver’s licence?

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    • #1809666
      Janelle Ward

      St John Ambulance is lobbying the Queensland government to make it mandatory for people to get basic first aid training when they get their driver’s licence.

      In 10 European countries, first aid qualifications are required when getting a licence. In Switzerland, drivers must complete a 10-hour first-aid course, with the certification valid for six years.

      Queensland St John director Glen Morrison said the organisation was asking for mandatory first aid training to be funded by the state government.

      “We want to make sure it’s available to every Queenslander and to make that happen and have a meaningful impact on people’s outcomes, is to mandate it,” he said.

      “When we look at the cost to the health system and the broader economy for people that have chronic or life-long injuries from crashes, this primary investment is likely to offset a longer cost to taxpayers.”

      Mr Morrison, who is a trained paramedic, told the ABC that even a small amount of training could make a difference.

      “We know that it takes between three to five minutes for someone to die from a blocked airway, and that’s something that we can teach people to roll someone on their side and clear an airway,” he said.

      “There’s research out there that says if people have that foundational knowledge, that springs to mind in that time of pressure or crisis.

      “A study showed only 5 per cent of Australians have the knowledge — that’s excluding health professionals.”

      What’s your view? Should first-aid knowledge go hand in hand with a driver’s licence? Have you done a first aid course?

    • #1809715
      John Haberecht

      Sounds a good idea!!

    • #1810232

      On-line course on VicRoads website in Victoria would be very useful.

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