Pope wants less pets, more children

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    • #1800730
      Jan Fisher

      The Pope’s a bit upset that pets are replacing children.

      He’s calling on all Italians to get busy making babies after figures were released showing Italy to have the lowest birth rate in the European Union last year.

      His Holiness is concerned that having children was now only a past-time of the rich and blamed the ‘savage’ financial environment including expensive housing and poor wage growth.

      Here’s an idea, since the Catholic Church is one of the richest institutions in the world, maybe they could chip in, or even pay taxes. Every little bit helps fellas.

      Anyway, it’s not just Italy, plenty of developed countries are now experiencing a rapid decline in the birth rate.

      But is it really a problem? For every country with a falling birth rate, there is another country with people quite literally dying to immigrate.

      And with a world population of close to 8 billion people in the world, I don’t think the human population is going to die out any time soon.

      Does the falling birth rate worry you? Do your children want children?

    • #1800783

      Why is it mainly those who don’t have children that are advocating for others to have more of them? Maybe the Pope could set up a fund to help defray expenses associated with child-raising?

    • #1800959

      More difficult to indoctrinate pets than the offspring of catholics

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