Queensland bans Nazi tattoos, is that enough?

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    • #1794035
      Jan Fisher

      Queensland has joined NSW, WA and Tasmania to ban tattoos that depict hate symbols.
      Yeah, that’s right, no more skin swastika’s for wanna-be Nazis. Boo hoo.

      Tattoos are meant to be edgy, meant to display your inner self, but this shouldn’t have to be a law. Seriously, just don’t do it, tattooist and tattee. You’re idiots.

      In one of those weird quirks of regulations, in Victoria, which has banned displaying Nazi symbols in public spaces, you can still get a Nazi tattoo as it’s considered incompatible with the state’s charter of human rights as it would restrict a person’s right to freedom of expression.

      It was also considered hard to enforce, which is probably the real problem.

      We shouldn’t need legislation to stop people waving around Nazi symbols, personal shame should be enough.

      Do you think the laws go far enough?

    • #1794066

      Not a fan of tattoos at the best of times. But the Indian Vedic symbol for prosperity or good luck, the Swasti, was appropriated by the Nazis. So banning the swasti is problematic.

    • #1794067
      David Ryder

      Just another assault on an individual’s right to free choice by the nanny state.

    • #1794152

      Tattoos used by people who have no self concept, ( except in cultural heritage situations) Only an idiot would get him/her self tattooed Only a total , racist FW would get a swastika

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