Should we build smaller houses?

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    • #1825936
      Jan Fisher

      On average, Australia has some of the largest houses in the world. Should that change?

      Grand Designs presenter Kevin McCloud wants Australians to consider smaller housing and even ‘infill’ development to solve the housing crisis.

      McCloud argues that “space does not equal size” and a well-designed home can be small, efficient, sustainable and ecological.

      “When you don’t put in eight toilets, just one, you’re going to be able to spend some money on the quality,” he says.

      There is a growing tiny house movement, but it is at the fringe of housing design and not really suited to modern suburban Australia.

      What do you think? Australia has a lot of space, but should houses be smaller and better built? Is it even possible to police how big your house is?

    • #1826189

      Yes houses should definitely be smaller and more energy efficient- especially with good orientation to the sun. However 2 toilets become essential as we age, perhaps an extra off the laundry would suffice?
      It should be possible to police this through Council zoning rules.

    • #1826311

      It is not the space of the home, but the space around the home that is important.
      Looking around at new estates the gutters of the homes just about touch each other with centimetres between the house and the fence. No wonder there are numerous arguments between neighbours; noise, balls/kids toys going over fences, tree and tree root problems, parking, etc. etc.
      Instead of having a bedroom for each child and extra living spaces, media rooms, etc. make the houses smaller therefore having some space for recreation and kids to play.

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