Should we celebrate Halloween in Australia?

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    • #1760247
      Jan Fisher

      I have to confess, I love it.
      One afternoon a year making little kids happy with chocolate and lollies? I’m all over that.
      Boo hoo to all the naysays who say it’s an American thing, it actually started in Ireland and Scotland.
      And it’s not just the lollies, all those fabulous teeny, tiny outfits and loads of people out enjoying themselves on the streets.
      Long may it continue.

    • #1760329

      Abso-freaking-lutely NOT ! The current aberration is imported from that disgusting dump called the USA, NOT Ireland or the UK. It is nothing but a colossal marketing spend-a-thon orhestrated by commercial interests. It generates thousands of tons of rubbish and waste in it’s wake. GET RID OF IT! Today’s spoilt kids and parents DO NOT need yet another excuse to waste whatever money they grumble about not having on this !

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