Should we have four-year political terms?

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    • #1829147
      Jan Fisher

      Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has suggested there should be regular federal elections held every four years.

      Mr Turnbull says three years is too short and five years too long.

      He said the main two problems would be that you would have to have eight-year terms for senators and we should probably just ‘suck up and accept’ that, and the proposal would need the support of all the major parties as it would need to go to a referendum.

      Mr Turnball said set elections would ensure that governments are not in continual campaign mode.

      However, from my dim recollections of political studies in high school, this is exactly what has happened in the US, with electioneering beginning two years before a set election time.

      However, as Mr Turnbull says, the proposal is not ‘speculation’ all the state parliaments have four-year terms.

      What do you thinK? Should we have set terms at a federal level?

    • #1829191

      I agree with him. Four year terms with a set date for the election every 4 years.

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