Simple steps to make everything a little easier

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      “The modern world is becoming increasingly fast-paced, stressed and distracted. Mindfulness can therefore be looked on as a much needed antidote to modern life,” says Professor Hassed who is the Deputy Director at the Monash Centre for Consciousness and Contemplative Studies.

      “Mindfulness is, in a manner of speaking, our number one life-skill. Why? Because all of the other abilities and skills we rely on in daily life, like communication, learning, decision-making and being safe and efficient, depend on our ability to focus and be present.

      “With mindfulness, everything gets a little easier. Without it, everything gets a little harder.”

      Some simple mindfulness tips:

      Depending on your level of motivation, carve out 5, 10, 15 or 20 minutes twice a day to practice mindfulness meditation. Call these full stops punctuating your day.

      As often as you remember, between the completion of one activity and the commencement of another, have mini-meditations of 5, 10, 20, 30 or 60 seconds. Call these commas punctuating your day.

      Practice being present as you go about your daily life taking it one step, one moment at a time. Listen, feel, see, taste and smell.

      Wha mindfulness tips can you share with our members?

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