Stop pretending the world cares if we cancel the games

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    • #1807048
      Jan Fisher

      I’m a Victorian and I’m glad Daniel Andrews has cancelled the Commonwealth Games.

      When I heard the news my only concern was that money promised to regional centres would be withdrawn. Anyway, turns out that bit’s going to stay, so that’s good news.

      The annoying bit of all this is media blowhards saying Australia has been ‘embarrassed’ by the cancellation.

      What utter tripe.

      I follow the news a lot and could not find one story in foreign press reports that gave it even more than a passing mention. Maybe a few paragraphs. The world doesn’t care, just the pale, stale males in the sports press who like the sound of their own voice.

      The Commonwealth Games are the international equivalent of a primary school house athletics carnival. And if anecdotes are to be believed, not even the athletes really want to compete.

      Imagine being a world-class athlete, with a comprehensive training schedule and being expected to turn up to a dinky little sports meeting with little-to-no competition.

      I, for one, am very pleased my tax dollars will go towards public housing and regional infrastructure instead of a pointless sports carnival that has well and truly gone past its use-by date.

      Do you think Australia was humiliated by the decision?

    • #1807209

      My feeling run along similar lines. I imagine that the only people in the world who really care are the athletes who have trained with these games in mind. The unfortunate reality is that Commonwealth and Olympic Games have become more of a spectacle than an actual games for sports’ sake. Nations have promoted themselves as the “best ever” hosts and having spent the most ever on their efforts to be the best and grandest. No wonder the Victorian government withdrew when the full costs became obvious. What has happened to the original ideal of the games themselves? It’s supposed to be about the athletes, and the competition, not the glitz and glamour. There are plenty of sports facilities which could be used, new ones aren’t required, nor do we need to have the enormous opening and closing ceremonies. Just saying.

    • #1807210

      I didn’t think I would ever agree with Dan Andrews on anything but yes agree games are redundant and unnecessary. Also we’ve already had the games in Melbourne anyway. Time for city that hasn’t had the games. Way to expensive.

    • #1807251

      Dan Andrews has proven himself over time to be a great premier and leader and I think he has made another excellent decision.
      If this heralds the end of the Commonwealth Games for good, then that will also be a positive, as they are past their use-by date.

    • #1807267

      I totally agree and I just hope that Dan Andrews’ courage in cancelling this unnecessary event will act as a precedent for other leaders to follow.
      All I have heard from opposition and sports commentators is sympathy for the athletes. I am not aware that mid level athleletes pay much tax towards this sort of thing but what about the average hard worker who is short changed by their taxes being siphoned off for this non productive enjoyment by the few.
      I’d like to see a tick box at the bottom of every tax return form asking if the person would like to make a tax contribution towards sport and building more stadiums.

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