Study shows ‘being a good person’ actually better for your health

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    • #1712624
      Brad Lockyer

      Researchers at Harvard University have found that people reported character and personality traits consistent with having a ‘good moral character’ were up to 50 per cent less likely to suffer from anxiety and depression.

      The research was published in the journal Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemeiology, and gathered data from surveys and health insurance claim data from 1209 participants.

      In the surveys, participants were asked whether they feel that they always know what to do in a given situation.

      They were asked questions like ‘I am willing to face difficulties in order to do what is right’ and ‘I give up personal pleasures whenever it is possible to do some good instead.’

      Other questions gauged their personal strength, kindness and how willing they were to delay gratification for more longer-term benefits.

      Do you think it was their ‘good moral character’ that caused people less depression and anxiety? Or something else?

    • #1712625

      Confucius he say good man on outside is angry man inside. Better let wolf on inside out or much Xiao Yao San will be needed to settle rattled nerves.

    • #1712626

      “Blessed is the person who finds wisdom . . . . Her ways are pleasant ways and all her paths are peace.” Prov 3:13-17


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