The BOM drops the BOM

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    • #1759089
      Jan Fisher

      The BOM wants people to stop calling it the BOM and it’s not going well.

      The Bureau of Meteorology issued a request this week saying it would like journalists and the media to use the Bureau of Meteorology in the first instance and “the Bureau” in subsequent references, and not the BOM.

      It went down like a lead (weather) balloon. No one is the slightest bit interested in listening to the BOM’s demands and the current government seems puzzled why it was even initiated and I kind of agree. Seems a weird time to announce it when the country is facing flood after flood this year. Surely it has something better to do?

      And the cost? To no one’s surprise a ‘brand manager’ has apparently billed the government an estimated $70,000 for what amounts to a press release.

      Anyone who has ever dealt with government will recognise a pattern. Consultants are appointed, they feel like something has to be done to justify their appointment. Pointless changes are made, ridiculous fees are charged and the cycle continues.

      What do you think of ‘The Bureau’s’ request? Bad timing or totally pointless?

    • #1759348

      It is both bad timing AND totally pointless! But what would anyone expect from a marketing company called “The C Word”?

    • #1759399
      Sue Ridge

      Oh dear, seems like the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing. For those interested, the website for “The Bureau” is and the app for your phone is BOM Weather. The marketing company did a half arsed job. I just love what Plibersek said when asked about it; “all this started under the previous government……”

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