There’s too much gambling advertising

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    • #1757252
      Jan Fisher

      I don’t know about you, but I’ve had quite enough of the gambling ads.
      I’m enough of a libertarian that if you want to gamble, that’s up to you, but the constant stream of advertising is driving me nuts.
      It’s on media feeds, outdoor posters, at major sporting events and quite a few minor ones if you count pubs with pokies advertising at local sport.
      And it makes it all look so glamorous and cool, when if you have spent any time in a TAB it most certainly is not.
      Very much like cigarettes, gambling ads need to be controlled.

    • #1757411

      there is a major gambling problem in Australia and some of the adds particularly the one with the police betting while on a stake out are demeaning and disrespectful there are absolutely too many and like alcohol gambling adds should be removed from TV I have seen the negative affect of gambling addiction in my grandsons.

    • #1757413

      No! there should be NO advertising of gambling products of any sort on TV, Radio or Billboards. It is about time the Government stepped in and stopped ALL sorts of gambling adverts period!!!

    • #1757417

      Gambling advertising should be time restricted, e.g. after 10.00pm and NEVER during sport.

    • #1757419
      Sue Ridge

      When did people taking responsibility for their own actions cease to exist? So far this year we have had people wanting to stop fast food advertising because it’s making everybody obese, stop advertising Aldi specials because it’s causing people to get crushed when trying to buy them, stop personal hygiene products from advertising because it’s embarrassing and now gambling is getting up the noses of the cancel culture. We don’t gamble and those ads are not tempting us to start because we choose to ignore them and exercise personal responsibility. Live and let live.

    • #1757451

      I don’t care about the gambling ads since they have absolutely no effect on me. The ads I really hate are those like the Finish dishwasher ads that try to guilt you into buying their product to save water (by association the planet) by using your dishwasher and of course their tablet. Fine, If Finish would like to come and totally remodel my kitchen to accommodate a dishwasher, and buy and install the dishwasher, (not to mention all the other appliances that would need to be replaced), I will happily give their product a go. Until then, I will not be guilted into anything and will continue to do my washing up by hand regardless.

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