Would you dob someone in to the ATO?

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    • #1847473
      Brad Lockyer

      Stats from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) show they received more than 47,000 tip-offs from the community about tax avoidance and other tax offences in the 2023-24 financial year.

      Tony Goding, ATO assistant commissioner, says the tip-offs have included actions such as not declaring income, running ‘cash-only’ businesses, paying workers in cash to avoid paying tax and super, not reporting sales, using electronic sales suppression tools to hide sales, and where someone’s lifestyle doesn’t appear to match their income.

      “It’s not just about ‘cash only’ or ‘EFTPOS out of order’ signs,” he says.

      “These businesses are deliberately undercutting their competitors and gaining an unfair advantage in their industry. People who cheat their competitors and the community will likely try to cheat their customers too.”

      Building and construction, cafes and restaurants and hairdressing and beauty services topped the list of industries the ATO was tipped off about in 2023–24.

      How many of those tip-offs do you think were revenge? Or for a rude business interaction?

      Would you ever dob anyone in to the ATO? What would make you do it?

    • #1847512
      The Bronze Anzac

      It’s not the little backyarders that are a problem like handypersons or flea markets, car boot sales etc. Paying by cash or receiving by cash should & will continue, at least in the short term. It’s the bigger business operations that need “dobbing in”.

    • #1847513

      The big companies registered in O/S tax avoidance schemes that should pay their fair share of tax. Leave the little ones trying to make ends meet alone.

    • #1847519

      People (or businesses) who cheat on tax, are cheating on all of us. They should be “dobbed in”.

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