The Barefoot Investor Scott Pape has told his followers there is one big change they can make in their lives to improve their finances.
And his secret is … move to the country.
He’s right in one way. If you are employed in a job which has a standard salary across the industry such as nursing or teaching, then you are going to better off with the cheaper housing and smaller commute rural and regional Australia has to offer.
But is it the answer for older Australians?
Often they are not working, so a salary doesn’t count. If they do move, it could be hard to find another job.
Generally they need more healthcare, which is often not available in these areas.
It can also mean leaving friends and family, and social engagement is such an important part of ageing well.
Country areas also offer very little in the way of public transport, which can be vital for older people.
Pape grew up in Ouyen, Victoria, which is just about as far as you can get from anywhere in Victoria, so it’s not like he doesn’t know about country living, but in this case he might have it wrong for older people.
Have you considered moving to the country?