Forum Replies Created
PS. Anyone who wants to discuss the content of my mails is welcome to contact me directly here: [email protected] Bring your friends: weight numbers is the only real leverage people have these days.
dabbblesParticipantA petition is a pretty weak approach. What’s really needed to put Australia back on the rails is People-Power; organised groups large enough to FORCE the businesses AND POLITICIANS TO DO AS THEY’RE TOLD by boycott of their businesses and elections. Time and again it’s been demonstrated that boycotting of businesses works. Elections are difference because the Great Unwashed have been conned into thinking that electing politicians to run their lives is a ‘GOOD’ THING! (‘Mummy knows what’s best for you; now do as you’re told or mummy will spank you!’) How GUTLESS and STUPID have Australians become in accepting ‘Compulsory Voting’?????? (Ever wonder what would happen if they held an election and NOBODY voted??!) They CAN’T spank EVERYBODY! Ditto ‘Taxation’ and all the other crap our country has been burdened with. STOPPITT!! Your kids and grandkids etcetc will come to HATE for your absolute submission to a perverted lifestyle.
dabbblesParticipantI refuse outright to be bulldozed in ‘plastic payments’ and/or ‘bank-transfers, and on occasion have cancelled a ‘deal’ for that reason. (To date I can still get by by finding vendors who’ll take cash, though ‘on-line shopping’ makes that more and more difficult. Most recently the RACV which refused to take cash for an overpriced battery.) Although I find more and more businesses who are either expression a desire or requirement (!)for non-cash payment I am old enough to remember (fondly!) the days when most things in life (particularly the important ones, eg food) were more-or-less a matter of self-sufficiency and figuring out HOW to get where I wanted to, with ‘goods’ as well as services. (eg. I’ve built 8 houses over the years: all mudbricks with EVERYTHING else recycled from, mostly,demolition sites. Too easy, once one gets over the conditioned-in idea that one is incapable of transposing,say,an electrical system from a factory to a house. Ditto plumbing and all the rest.) Even the ‘rich people’had to count the pennies back then! But it worked! I can still put 200kg of meat into the freezer with a $2.50 bullet (having been shooting rabbits for the table from age 10) And incidentally, the freezer runs from a solar-system. Bottom line: convenience aside, I don’t NEED to pay a butcher, in plastic OR in cash,for my meat. And so it goes on and on. I’ve been paying the RACV for 30 years without once using its services, and have cacelled my account due to the ‘no-cash-payment’ thing. WHAT’S REQUIRED is that people REALISE that THEY HAVE CHOICES!: although that may mean rethinking their priorities and making necessary adjustments. AND acting en-masse to BOYCOTT business which DEPEND UPON THEM. (Including ‘governments’which should be dumped,(including their ENTIRE political ‘party’ unless they actually SERVE the requirements of the people. ie. Bill Smith is NOT a ‘liberal’ ‘labour’ or ‘national’ voter. He’s a bloke who’d rather vote for whoever suits him (and certainly NOT apolitician whose allegiance belongs to ‘A Party’), or NOT vote at all. WHEN did Australians become gutless enough to accept ‘mandatory voting’????
The bottom line isthat endless options exist: all that’s required to return to ‘The Good Old Days’ is ‘Good Old Brainpower and Guts.’ If that’s beyond my fellow citizens than I’ll be sailing off to some more sane and sensible country. Like North Korea! -