I find the presentation of the morning news flippant and largely uninformative on international affairs. The presenters spend a lot of time joking with each other rather than presenting informed and unbiased news. I find it necessary to balance perspectives on the news by listening to other news outlets in particular Al Jazeera and the BBC for international news, and Sky news for an alternate more right wing balance. The Voice Campaign has been extremely biased on the ABC, as have issues concerning Feminism, White Male Patriarchy, and Indigenisation. All Australians are, and should be, equal in status, and barriers between different groups should be discouraged and not promoted. Four Corners is an excellent program. The ABC Board appears unwilling to rein in and control defamatory and biased reporting. It’s charter requires unbiased and factual reporting and where opinions are expressed those with contrary opinions should be offered equal opportunity to present their opinions.