Friday Funnies: Gone surfing

Today we’re celebrating spring and warmer weather with some surfing classics.

Why are surfers so relaxed all the time?
They’re the only grown-ups who are allowed to pee in their clothes.


What do surfing and oil have in common?
They’re both measured by the barrel.


Why didn’t the surfer ride the glassy waves?
Because he heard they were breaking.


Read: The racehorse and the donkey

A surfer known for the number of waves he caught was asked for his secret.
“It’s simple,” he replied. “When I get up in the morning, and my wife is lying on her right side, I only take waves with a right break. If she is lying on her left side, I only take waves with a left break.”
“And if she is lying on her back?”
“In that case, I sure as hell don’t go surfing!”


Give a man a surfboard, and you’ve distracted him for a day. Teach a man to surf, and you can’t get him to work.


Read: Friday Funnies tackles politicians

How can you spot a surfer at a wedding?
That’s the one who’s missing.


Why is surfing like sex?
Because when it’s good, it’s really, really good. And when it’s bad, it’s still pretty good.


Two drunk surfers were at the bar and one asked, “Hey, what’s worse, ignorance or indifference?”
The other replied, “I don’t know, and I don’t care.”


Why do surfers eat cold food?
Because they hate microwaves.


What’s the difference between a surfer and a large pizza?
A large pizza can feed a family of five.


Two drunken surfers were at the bar when one of them asked: “Hey man, what’s worse – ignorance or indifference?”
The other guy answers: “I really don’t know, and I really don’t care.”

Did we forget any classic surfing jokes? Share yours in the comment section below.

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