Friday Funnies flees the yoga studio

This past Wednesday was International Day of Yoga. Whether you can turn yourself into a human pretzel or can’t touch your toes, here are the best yoga jokes to give yourself a giggle.


My ‘snooze’ button should just be called the ‘nope, no yoga today’ button.


Gave my cat some almond milk and now she teaches hot yoga on Thursday nights.


Using the toilet on the airplane means I’m certified to teach yoga now.


What kind of yoga do you do in a casket? Decom-pose. 


I remember when yoga was called Twister


What does a dyslexic cow say? Ommmmmmmmmm.


I only do yoga so I can hold my arms up long enough to get my hair in a ponytail.


I didn’t get a chance to do yoga this morning … or any other morning of my life.


Got up at 6:30am today. Did some yoga. Had a protein shake. Ran six miles. Started lying about everything.


Yoga may be the key to your flexibility. Alcohol is the key to mine.

Do you know any other jokes about yoga? Why not share them in the comments section below?

Also read: Friday Funnies: Romance takes a wrong turn

Liv Gardiner
Liv Gardiner
Writer and editor with interests in travel, lifestyle, health, wellbeing, astrology and the enivornment.
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