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Cook government announces travel subsidy boost for WA pensioners

Western Australian pensioners have been handed a cost-of-living boost after the Cook Labor government unveiled a $20.3 million boost to the Regional Pensioner Travel Card as part of the 2024-25 State Budget. 

This initiative is set to benefit pensioners across regional Western Australia by increasing the value of the card by $100 to $675 per year from the start of July.

The Regional Pensioner Travel Card – currently known as the Country Age Pension Fuel Card – supports eligible pensioners by subsidising costs associated with fuel and taxi travel courtesy of participating providers. 

To be eligible for the card, individuals need to be receiving one of a Centrelink Age Pension, Carer Payment, Disability Support Pension, or the Department of Veterans’ Affairs Service Pension, Social Security Age Pension, or Income Support Supplement and reside in eligible regional locations.

Western Australian Treasurer Rita Saffioti highlighted the importance of the travel card’s enhancement to maintain community connection among regional pensioners. 

“This is an important scheme that we know is popular amongst eligible regional pensioners and helps them to stay connected with their community, so we’re really pleased to increase the card value by $100 in this year’s State Budget,” she said.

“Providing cost-of-living relief remains our government’s top priority.”

Minister Assisting the Minister for Transport David Michael said the government had identified the travel card as a crucial resource. 

“Pensioners living in regional WA do not have access to metropolitan levels of public transport and often have to rely on their own means to travel to access essential services,” Mr Michael said.

“The Regional Pensioner Travel Card is an important tool to bridge that gap and I hope the additional funding for the program will go a long way to easing the burden on pensioners across regional WA.”

Further details about the Regional Pensioner Travel Card are available on the WA government’s website under the section “How to apply for a country age pension fuel card.

Is this a welcome move from the Cook government? Will the extra $100 on the card make a difference to your budget? Let us know in the comments below.

Also read: Which aged pension card do you qualify for

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