Seniors Card – who can get one?

Eligibility for a Seniors Card varies depending in which state or territory you reside. So if you’re 60 years or over, it may be worthwhile checking if you can apply for a Seniors Card.

Australian Capital Territory

In the Australian Capital Territory, to be eligible for the Seniors Card you must be at least 60 years of age, a permanent resident of the territory and not involved in paid employment for any longer than 20 hours a week.

To obtain a seniors card in the ACT all you have to do is to make an application at any of the ACT government shop fronts that are scattered throughout the territory including public libraries, the office of the Council on the Ageing, or the Hughes Community Centre. You can not apply online in the ACT as you can in some other states. When applying you will have to provide proof of ACT residency and your age. It then has to be witnessed by a staff member from the organisation where you are making the application.

Northern Territory

Similar criteria have to be met for Northern Territory residents for them to also be issued with a Seniors Card. Once issued the card lasts a lifetime and never has to be renewed but you can request a replacement if it ever gets lost or damaged. For any further information on what benefits are provided and how to apply, you should first contact the Senior Card Office on Freecall 1800 441 489.

New South Wales

Once again, in New South Wales the eligibility requirements are the same as the two territories if you want to apply for a Seniors Card. You can apply online if you wish, using  the NSW Seniors Card website  Seniors Card Application Form, you will need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader software  to view and use the file.

On completion of the form you are required to have the information you are submitting witnessed by a Justice of the Peace before mailing it to ‘Locked Bag 7001, Liverpool NSW, 1871.’ You are also able to obtain an application form from any Centrelink office in NSW, any branch of the ANZ Bank in NSW, DADHC regional offices, any electoral office of a parliamentary Legislative Assembly member, NSW Government Access Centres, local council offices throughout the state, the NSW Offices of Fair Trading, local government libraries, or any NSW Trustee office. Further information can be obtained from the Seniors Card call centre by phoning 1300 364 758 during office hours on any week day.


You can apply for a Seniors Card in Queensland two months prior to your 60th birthday. Your eligibility will be determined when you apply. An alternative to the Seniors Card in Queensland is the Senior Business Discount Card. All you need do is go to the Queensland Government Community Services website, fill out and submit your completed form online.

Click next to view Seniors Card eligibility in other states and for more information.

South Australia

There are no pension or income restrictions applied when you make application for an SA Seniors Card, nor is any fee charged in conformity with all the other states and territories. South Australian Senior Card holders can benefit however from:

  • Totally free Adelaide metro public transport between 9am and 3pm every week day.
  • Totally free Adelaide metro public transport all weekend and public holidays.
  • Fifty percent concession on all State public transport at other times.
  • Concessions when using public transport in any other Australian state or territory.
  • Rebates on the State Emergency Services Levy and council rates if you meet the conditions.
  • The usual discounts and benefits offered by hundreds of commercial businesses throughout Australia which include such things as retail shopping, hotels and motels, and many other leisure outlets.


In Tasmania you are able to apply for a Seniors Card over the counter at any Service Tasmania shop and receive it at the same time. You will need to produce at least three original identification proofs, one of them proving your date of birth.  An extract of your birth certificate or a copy of your citizenship papers are acceptable as is your passport, drivers or firearm licence. Other identification documents that are accepted include the following:

  • Medicare card.
  • Debit or credit card that contains your signature.
  • Centrelink Aged Pension Card or your Veterans affairs card.
  • Change of name or marriage certificate.
  • A recent bank statement.
  • Water, gas or power bill issued within the last six months.


Although you must be at least 60 years of age to be eligible for a Seniors Card in Victoria as it applies in all other states and territories, the main difference here is that you must not be in paid employment for any more than 35 hours a week or be fully retired. You must be a permanent resident of Australia living in Victoria. In Victoria you can make application for the card at any Australia Post outlet. If you like you can also apply. When you are finished completing the form you can send it to: Seniors Card Program, GPO Box, 4316, Melbourne Vic. 3001 or email the completed form to [email protected]

Western Australia

Western Australia was the first Australian state to offer a seniors card to its residents in 1988. There are now about 300,000 seniors in that state benefiting from the innovation. It is still regarded as being one of the most generous Senior Cards in the entire nation.

To be eligible you must live in Western Australia for at least six months in every year, have lived in the state for at least five years and be a permanent resident aged 60 years or more who does not work more than 25 hours in a week.

More than 500 businesses throughout the state contribute to the success of the WA Seniors Card as well as being offered generous government concessions. You can apply on line for a WA Seniors Card Application form.  You can also obtain one from the WA Senior Card Centre, the major banking establishments, local council offices of parliamentary electoral offices. The completed form is to be sent to, ‘WA Seniors Card Centre, level 2, 140 William Street, Perth WA, 6000’.

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