Posthumous pride

Peter Leith has already made his views on the ‘wasteful’ funeral industry very obvious. And his war on waste extends to his own person. He explains.


Griffith University has sent me such a nice letter, thanking me for bequeathing my body to its school of anatomy.

I did it, partly because, as a mean Scotsman, I have no desire to further enrich the funeral industry, but mostly to give the people in the dissecting room a chuckle or two.

I like to think that as they survey the naked splendour of my 90-plus-year-old cadaver, they will utter such words of amazement admiration and praise as: “Blimey! I didn’t know they even made them like that back in those days.”

What they discover inside will be even more of a revelation. It will be like taking the cylinder head off an FJ Holden and wondering how it could still be running ‘with all that gunk in it’!

Their amazement at the bits that have already been removed will be exceeded only by their surprise at the ‘accessories’, that have, over the many years, been added.

Come to think of it, the artificial hip and the pacemaker alone will have some scrap-metal value. I’m giving them more than I realised.

Ah well, in for a penny in for a pound. Throw another seed to the canary.

Have you considered donating your body to science?  Do you have a story or an observation for Peter? Send it to [email protected] and put ‘Sunday’ in the subject line.

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