Homestyle Aged Care: The next best thing to living in your own home

When the time is right, choosing the right residential aged care community can be challenging. There’s the level of care to consider, as well as food quality, facilities, activities and social aspects.

Many seniors are used to living independently, so moving into residential aged care will mean some adjustments.

Once these challenges have been overcome, you’ll find many residential aged care communities bring plenty of benefits – especially if you find a home that has positive ageing in its focus.

What is positive ageing?

Positive ageing is ‘the process of maintaining a positive attitude, feeling good about yourself, keeping fit and healthy and engaging fully in life as you age’, says the Australian Psychological Society.

Your mental and physical health gets a boost when you have a positive attitude towards ageing. You’ll have a much better sense of wellbeing and control, making it easier to focus on what’s achievable and possible as you age.

Moving into aged care doesn’t have to be a drastic adjustment when you find a community that promotes, supports and encourages positive ageing.

Read: Top 33 list when looking for an Aged Care home

A positive example of positive ageing

Homestyle Aged Care Clarendon Grange resident Ray Beckerley is a lifelong car enthusiast and crew chief for a race car driven by Graeme Meer.

Ray certainly has a positive approach to ageing and approached Homestyle to sponsor his car.

Homestyle Aged Care CEO Tim Humphries said: “We were delighted to be able to sponsor the car, especially given Ray’s involvement. His passion is something we wanted to encourage and support.”

And so the Homestyle race car was born.

“While the season last year was interrupted due to COVID restrictions, Ray kept us in the loop regarding race results,” says Tim. “He’s even trying to host a drive day to give Homestyle residents and team members the chance to experience speeds of up to 280km/h.”

The brakes were put on the first attempt after the driver contracted COVID and had to isolate over the weekend of the event.

Bad luck befell the team again when a crash during the practice prior to the drive day put the car out for the weekend.

Still, it hasn’t marred Ray’s passion for the sport, nor for his drive to give Homestyle residents the ‘need for speed’.

“We are delighted to be able to share in Ray’s passion,” says Tim.

“He holds out hope for a drive day later in the year where he says there will be a few surprises for each of the passengers, but he’s keeping tight-lipped about the white-knuckle adventure ahead.”

Taking positive ageing at top speed may not be every resident’s cup of tea. There are many other ways to find a positive ageing groove.

Read: Positive ageing in a residential aged care home

Creative ageing

Art therapy is a great way to generate serotonin and a pleasant outlook. It’s easy to benefit from the arts. Whether it’s performance, such as dance, singing and drama, or mediums such as sketching and painting. The process is therapeutic and does wonders to help convey change and understanding,” says Tim.

“And any wonderful artwork that comes about from art therapy sessions is a bonus.”

Music therapy

The overall quality of life improves considerably for people undergoing music therapy.

“Registered music therapists are trained therapists who are also skilled musicians, and they often visit aged care homes supporting lifestyle activities,” says Tim.

“They tend to use musical experiences to help residents achieve their personal goals. These can promote better moods, cognition, physical function and wellbeing.”

Read: Playing totem tennis at 83 with dementia

Eating well and staying active

Eating well is recommended throughout one’s life. From childhood through to your senior years, eating vegetables, fruits and healthy foods is encouraged. Exercise is much the same.

“People at varying degrees of mobility will always find a workout that can work for them, such as yoga or taking brief walks,” says Tim. “These activities encourage positive ageing.”

Homestyle Aged Care is a YourLifeChoices preferred partner.

Are you looking for residential aged care in Melbourne or Geelong? Homestyle delivers a quality of care that is the best alternative to being at home, allowing residents to live their best lives. If you or your loved one are looking for care, call the team or visit to discuss your situation and discover the many options available. 

How do you practise positive ageing? Why not share your thoughts in the comments section below?


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