Beloved Neighbours star departs from show amidst tragic cancer battle

Ian Smith, the cherished actor known for his role as Harold Bishop on the iconic Australian soap opera Neighbours, has announced his departure from the show following a terminal cancer diagnosis. The news has left fans and colleagues alike heartbroken, as the 86-year-old actor has been a staple on the series since 1987, becoming a beloved figure in Australian television.

Smith revealed the devastating news of his illness in an emotional interview, stating, ‘I found out a few months back that I have cancer. That I have a very aggressive non-fixable cancer and they expect me to, they expect me to die.’ The diagnosis is a rare form of lung cancer known as pulmonary pleomorphic carcinoma, and Smith is currently undergoing immunotherapy in hope of prolonging his life.

The actor’s final scenes for Neighbours is set to air in April 2025, marking the end of an era for both Smith and the show. His departure is not just a farewell to his character but also to his career, as he expressed during his last day on set, ‘It isn’t just my last day on Neighbours, it’s my last day of work. I’ve had the most privileged life… we didn’t just make a soap, we made the best bloody soap there was to make. I have met the most beautiful people.’

Smith’s journey has been marked by personal tragedy, having lost his wife Gail to cancer in 2019, as well as his adoptive and biological parents to the same disease. Despite these losses, he remains hopeful for a pain-free journey ahead, saying, ‘I wake up every morning hoping there’s no pain because I know that’s the beginning of the bad part. I’ve seen so many deaths. I’ve seen some good ones and I’ve seen bad ones. I’m hoping I’ll go the nice way.’

Ian Smith’s legacy as Harold Bishop will undoubtedly live on, and his courage in facing his diagnosis with such openness is a testament to his strength of character. As the Neighbours community and fans around the world bid farewell to a television icon, we are reminded to cherish the moments we have with our loved ones and the figures who have become part of our collective memory.

We extend our heartfelt support to Ian Smith and his family, and our sincere gratitude for the joy he has brought into our homes through his work.

We invite our readers to share their favourite Harold Bishop moments, how the character may have touched their lives, or to simply express their well-wishes for Ian Smith during this challenging time. 

Also read: Seven life lessons from ‘Neighbours’ 

Abegail Abrugar
Abegail Abrugar
Abby is a dedicated writer with a passion for coaching, personal development, and empowering individuals to reach their full potential. With a strong background in leadership, she provides practical insights designed to inspire growth and positive change in others.


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