Taxi subsidy schemes

Reduced fare public transport is all well and good if you are mobile enough to access it, but if you can’t, then perhaps you are eligible for reduced taxi fares.

Taxi subsidy schemes entitle those who meet the eligibility criteria to travel at half the journey’s fare, up to a maximum subsidy. As the scheme is regulated and implemented by individual state and territory governments, the benefit and eligibility criteria may differ, depending on where you reside.

Taxi Transport Subsidy Scheme (TTSS), NSW 
An application, completed by your medical practioner, must be submitted to the Transport for NSW medical assessor. Once approved, you will receive a book of transport vouchers, which entitle you to half-price subsidised taxi fares, up to a maximum subsidy of $30.

Multi Purpose Taxi Program (MPTP), VIC 
Application forms can be completed and submitted online by medical practioners. Cards are issued at a cost of $16.50 and are valid for six years. These cards entitle the named cardholder to half-price taxi fares, up to a maximum subsidy of $60. Some cardholders will have an annual limit imposed.

South Australian Transport Subsidy Scheme (SATSS) 
A picture card is issued in South Australia to those who qualify for the subsidy. If you are able to walk, a 50 per cent reduction on taxi fares is given and if you are in a wheelchair, a 75 per cent reduction is granted.

Taxi User’s Subsidy Scheme (TUSS), WA 
An application form, completed by a medical practioner and accompanied with photographs should be submitted. If approved, you will be issued with a photo ID card which entitles you to 50 per cent off taxi fares, up to a maximum of $25 per trip and 75 per cent off fares, up to a maximum of $35 per trip, if you are in a wheelchair.

Taxi Subsidy Scheme (TSS), QLD 
Application forms need to be completed by a medical practioner and submitted for approval. If successful, a card will be issued which grants the named holder 50 per cent off taxi fares, up to a maximum of $25.

Taxi Fare Concessions, Tasmania 
Taxi Fare Concessions come under the umbrella of the Transport Access Scheme in Tasmania. Once your application has been approved, you can claim a 50 per cent subsidy when using a standard taxi, up to a maximum subsidy of $25, and a 60 per cent subsidy, up to a maximum of $30, if you need to use a wheelchair accessible taxi.

Taxi Subsidy Scheme (TSS), NT 
If you meet the required criteria and are granted membership, then you can receive a subsidy of 50 per cent on taxi fares. You can also apply for interstate travel vouchers if you are planning a journey.

Taxi Subsidy Scheme (TSS), ACT
The scheme in ACT assists with the cost of travelling by taxi. Your subsidy will be calculated bu the driver when you hand over your Smartcard.


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