How to keep your NY’s resolutions

Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Are you good at sticking to them? Chances are that you will with our five handy tips.

1. Be realistic

Many of us want the outcome (e.g. losing weight) but not the work (exercise). The irony is, however, that we usually set ourselves up for failure, giving ourselves way too much ‘work’ to begin with. For example, does a resolution of exercising five times a week sound familiar? Or not eating any junk food – ever?

It’s this type of overzealousness that sees us breaking our resolutions even before we even begin. Why not simply start with where you are at? That means if you’re not currently exercising, begin with one, short session a week, according to your fitness level. Then increase it incrementally (number and in length) over the weeks and months. If you’re already doing four, then it makes sense to increase it to five sessions, if that’s what you’re aiming for.

In a nutshell, it’s better to start with a lower bar, one that’s easy to jump over, rather than looking at a higher one and not jumping over it because its all too hard.

2. Make only one or two

Don’t make 10 – one or two New Year’s resolutions will suffice. Simply focus on a couple of things you’d like to change for the better in 2016. If you make too many, you are likely to lose focus and feel overwhelmed by the number of changes you have to make.

3. Announce it

This is about being accountable. If you tell your family and friends about your plans, then you are more likely to be serious about your goals – for the fear of failure.

4. Have a resolution buddy

This is also about being accountable, but with added support and motivation of a buddy who shares your goals for the New Year, you are likely to achieve them. 

5.  Reward yourself 

No, don’t reward yourself with food, especially if your resolution is to eat more healthily. Instead, celebrate your achievements with something you enjoy, but that doesn’t break your resolutions. Movies, massage and new clothes or accessories are some ideas. It’ll make you feel good about yourself, which is a motivation in itself.

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