Why you should eat more chocolate

There is a lot of conflicting health advice out there about the foods we love.

Wine is good for you and wine is also about the worst thing you can ever put in your body. Fish is an excellent source of protein, but also high in mercury. Add to the list caffeine, red meat, dairy and even fruit juice.

And now you can add chocolate to the list.

To some, this delicious sweet treat is all that is wrong with highly processed foods, but new research has uncovered an amazing benefit of chocolate, specifically dark chocolate.

Chocolate lovers rejoice. A study published in PubMed has found dark chocolate can reduce the risk of mouth cancer. Hurrah. This is in addition to reducing high blood pressure, the risk of cardiovascular disease and cholesterol levels. Really, it should be handed out daily. 

And capsicums, but there will probably be less rejoicing about that. 

Dietary differences

Anyway, back to the good news about oral cancer. The study considered that while previous research had been conducted into how diet can increase or decrease the risk of cancers, there had been little study into the relationship between dietary differences and the risk of oral cancer. 

Using the Biobank database, the researchers found that dark chocolate and capsicums or sweet peppers “exerted a significant inhibitory effect” on developing oral cancer. 

The study also researched oily fish, nonoily fish, alcohol, tea, cooked vegetables, salad/raw vegetables and fresh fruit but found no discernable risk improvement. 

Analysis suggested dark chocolate ingredients including cocoa had strong cancer-inhibiting properties.

“Cocoa contains a high percentage of methylxanthine compounds, mainly theobromine and caffeine,” the report stated.

“These substances are known for their potent antioxidant effects, aiding in the scavenging of free radicals, reducing DNA damage and oxidative stress, and thus potentially preventing cancer at its onset.”  

Mood boost

The study also noted chocolate makes us happy, which could help.

“Dark chocolate intake has been associated with improved mood, suggesting an additional psychological benefit,”  it was stated.

Capsicums are rich in an array of phytochemicals as well as capsaicinoids – the chemicals responsible for the spice in chillis and the zing in capsicums –  which have been shown to prevent cancer and inflammation.

“In cases of oral cancer, capsaicin has been shown to suppress tumor cell proliferation and induce apoptosis,” the report stated. 

“Interestingly, capsiate, another compound in sweet pepper, is effective in inhibiting tumor activity. Despite our efforts to further understand the underlying mechanisms, the limitations of our data prevented a more in-depth investigation.” 

Apoptosis describes how the body gets rid of cells that have been damaged beyond repair and it also plays a role in preventing cancer.

Research and prevention

The study concluded that the research laid the foundation for discovering how the ingredients of dark chocolate could help cancer research and prevention.

“Our results provide insights into the role of different dietary intakes in the development of oral cancer, offering guidance for individuals at elevated risk of oral cancer to adjust their diets in a clinically meaningful way,” the report stated.

Biobank is a UK database containing genetic, lifestyle and health information and biological samples from half a million UK participants. It is an ongoing project that began in 2006.

Do you like dark chocolate? Is this the excuse you need to eat more? Why not share your opinion in the comments section below?

Also read: Chocolate and Raspberry Brownies

Jan Fisher
Jan Fisherhttp://www.yourlifechoices.com.au/author/JanFisher
Accomplished journalist, feature writer and sub-editor with impressive knowledge of the retirement landscape, including retirement income, issues that affect Australians planning and living in retirement, and answering YLC members' Age Pension and Centrelink questions. She has also developed a passion for travel and lifestyle writing and is fast becoming a supermarket savings 'guru'.


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