Easy and quick ways to boost your health

Getting healthy can often sound like a huge mountain to climb – not something that can be done quickly.

But while long-term good health takes consistent effort, there are many little things you can do in not very much time – and easily – to help boost your health.

“Keeping our physical and mental wellbeing intact can feel like an impossible task,” says nutritionist Melissa Snover. “We’re constantly trying to offset the impact of our hectic modern lifestyles – in particular, the detrimental effects of stress, overworking, lack of sleep and poor diet.

“The good news is there are plenty of quick, simple things we can do every day to improve our wellbeing,” she adds. “The key is consistency – start off by incorporating just one or two healthy habits into your daily routine, and repeat, until it feels instinctive.”

Here are eight easy ways to boost your health in 10 minutes.

1. Use your muscles while the kettle boils

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While you make your morning brew, use the time to work some muscles. “There’s a 60-second window you can utilise while the kettle boils – take the first 30 to do some calf raises, and for the remainder do a quick wall sit,” suggests Dr Luke Powles. “These are exercises that won’t break a sweat, but doing them daily, you’ll start to see results after a couple of weeks.”

Read: Four easy exercises you can do while the kettle is boiling

2. Stand up
Remember, just standing can burn more calories than sitting – and every little bit helps. How about standing up every time you take a call at work or at home? “If you’re on your mobile, take the call outside and walk,” suggests Dr Powles. “You won’t realise just how many steps you take, even if it’s around the office block.

“Or, when you’ve completed a section of tasks, take 100 steps in one direction and then take 100 steps back. This will give your mind a break, move your body, and get some oxygen to the brain.”

3. Drink a glass of water

Dehydration can impact the balance of dopamine and serotonin in the brain, which can increase feelings of low mood, anxiety or depression, says Ms Snover. “Hydration is also needed for normal digestion, temperature control, brain function and encouraging good circulation, which is why it’s imperative we’re fuelling our bodies with enough water throughout the day.”

As well as water, Ms Snover says other liquids that qualify include lower fat milk and sugar-free drinks, including tea and coffee.

4. Stretch

Black woman doing stretches on a mat at home
Stretching is good for body and mind. (Alamy/PA)

Sitting for long periods can leave our bodies uncomfortable, make us less productive, and isn’t good for our health, explains Dr Powles – who suggests doing some simple stretches whenever possible, whether you’re at home or at your desk. “Keeping your body stretched will do the world of good and will avoid stiffness,” he promises.

5. Eat some protein
Protein is the building block of our bodies, and diets high in protein – including foods such as eggs, chickpeas, yoghurt, nuts and seeds – are linked to a range of benefits. These range from quicker recovery from injuries, lower blood pressure, good bone health and greater muscle strength and mass, to less intense food cravings.

“There’s growing research linking a high protein intake to better metabolic health and, in turn, weight management,” adds Ms Snover, who says protein increases hormones that make us feel full, and reduces hunger hormones, helping us feel satisfied for longer.

Read: Foods with more protein than eggs

6. Exercise in the ad breaks

Couple with a baby doing squats at home
Squeeze in some speedy workouts. (Alamy/PA)

If you can’t make it to the gym, or would just rather slouch in front of the telly, why not get the best of both worlds? “Take your favourite hour-long program and plan exercises for each ad break,” suggests Dr Powles. “Say each ad is 60 seconds, try 20 seconds of squats, 20 seconds of lunges and 20 seconds of high knees. Do this three times, which will make those boring ad breaks fly by!”

7. Move while the bath runs
As you wait for the bath to fill up, Dr Powles suggests you go up and down your stairs as many times as possible. “If you don’t have stairs, standing rotated lunges will work just fine,” he says. “But just make sure to peek into the bathroom to ensure no spillages!”

Read: Signs you’re not stretching enough

8. Get some sunshine

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Vitamin D helps keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy, amongst other important things for good general health – and the body creates it from exposure to direct sunlight when outdoors, when conditions allow.

Autumn and winter are great seasons to get outside to safely soak up some rays and boost your vitamin D levels naturally – so get out for a morning or lunch-time stroll. Your mood will benefit too.

– With PA

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