Ties that bind – ‘beer, barbecues and love of the royals’?

The ‘important’ question has been answered and Meghan will not be travelling to London for King Charles’ coronation. Now, royal commentators have turned their attention to our PM and his intentions and some are not impressed.

Royals commentator Camilla Tominey says it will be “a sad day” if Australia breaks ties with Britain given its common binds – “a love of beer, cooked meat and, indeed, the royal family”.

Forget AUKUS, so beer and barbecues are the real ties that bind?

Prince Harry is set to travel to Westminster Abbey for the King’s coronation on 7 May (AEST), but will skip the coronation concert to fly home, while Meghan will stay in California with children Lilibet and Archie.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Governor-General David Hurley have confirmed they will attend along with state governors and notable Australians.

While it will feature “longstanding traditions and pageantry”, it’s doubtful it will be watched by the millions who tuned in to the Queen’s funeral, but there are still many loyal royalists in Australia.

But back to the important issue here – a royal commentor’s view of ‘Albo’.

“There‘s a bit of consternation about whether Albanese has got his priorities straight when people are struggling to pay their bills,” says Ms Tominey, associate editor of the Telegraph. “There’s a war in Ukraine and other people have probably got more pressing matters.

“If Australians are anything like Britain, people right now are more worried about cost of living, potholes in the roads and whether they can get an NHS appointment …

“It would be sad (if Australia became a republic) – Australians and the British are so close. There are so many Brits over in Australia and so many Australians over in Britain. And what‘s the tie that binds? It’s a love of beer, cooked meat and, indeed, the royal family.”

For many, the Queen’s death last September was the perfect time to a restart the republic debate.

But Mr Albanese said a referendum on whether Australia should become a republic was not a priority, signalling the Indigenous Voice to parliament was more pressing.

“Republicanism has always been a thing in Australia. Under Rudd (Kevin), there was a referendum, but the big question is what replaces the king as head of state?” Ms Tominey asks.

“What kind of president does Australia want?

“From the royal perspective, there‘s a difference between the realms and the Commonwealth; the Commonwealth as a League of Nations has got people queueing up to join it, which is interesting and probably a reflection of their fear of Chinese and Russian supremacy in the Pacific, and a degree of ambiguity about what India is doing right now …”

Ms Tominey says global power has shifted and predicts that the royal family will say, ‘We‘re here for as long as these countries want us’.

She adds: “People will look to Barbados but they also have to ask themselves was that a decision by the people, or politicians? The interesting thing about that decision is there wasn‘t a referendum. The public weren’t asked to decide.”

Australian Republic Movement (ARM) co-chair Craig Foster says Australia should become a republic to “weave” a new national identity based on 65,000 years of “truthful” Australian history.

“It’s time in the next couple of years for us to make that really important step.”

ARM co-chair and former Labor senator Nova Peris said the impending coronation had renewed interest in making an Australian the head of state, but the movement did not want to detract from the Voice campaign.

According to ARM data, 64 per cent of federal MPs support Australia becoming a republic while just 10 per cent are opposed.

The PM appointed Matt Thistlethwaite an assistant minister for the republic.

He says that if the Voice referendum is successful, it will be “a stepping stone to further constitutional reform”. “Then we can move towards discussing appointing an Australian as head of state,” he says.

When do you think it appropriate to restart the republic debate? Are you in favour? Can we become a republic but retain an affiliation with the royal family? Have your say in the comments section below.

Also read: What you said in our 2018 poll

Janelle Ward
Janelle Wardhttp://www.yourlifechoices.com.au/author/janellewa
Energetic and skilled editor and writer with expert knowledge of retirement, retirement income, superannuation and retirement planning.


  1. The discussion should be now but focus on the upcoming referendum for the Voice. The coronation is a good time to raise the topic of Australians choosing an Australian as their Head of State. I do not believe it is right for Australia to have a person who reigns over us because of his/her birthright. #democracynotmonarchy The Australian constitution was established (mainly for trade between the colonies) in 1901. It does not reflect Australia as it is now.

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