What you’ve been missing in your floor-cleaning routine

As we age, we often become more attuned to the cleanliness of our homes, seeking to create a sanctuary that’s both comfortable and hygienic. For many of us, a clean floor is the foundation of a tidy home. But what if even the most diligent among us have been missing a crucial step in our floor-cleaning routine? It’s not vacuuming, which we’ve all been taught to do before mopping. No, it’s something even more fundamental, and it’s time we all learned the secret to truly spotless floors. 

The revelation comes from a cleaner on social media, known as @rkmgrcleantok, who has shared a video that’s left many viewers in disbelief. After vacuuming a bathroom floor, the cleaner demonstrates by wiping the floor with a cloth, revealing a surprising amount of dirt and debris that the vacuum failed to pick up. The message is clear: ‘Always wipe down the floor before mopping if you can. You would be surprised what the vacuum doesn’t pick up.’

Social media cleaning tip shows how wiping before mopping can catch dirt your vacuum misses! Credit: @rkmcgrcleantok / TikTok

This video has sparked a flurry of reactions, with some viewers questioning the quality of the vacuum used, while others expressed support for the tip. Some go even further, sharing their meticulous cleaning routines. One housekeeper commented, ‘I’m always shocked by what paper towels pick up on bathroom floors that LOOK clean, especially around toilets. It’s routine for me to wipe the floor now.’

Others have shared their multi-step processes, including sweeping, vacuuming, and then using a steam cleaner with a textured cloth, followed by a regular cloth head. This might seem excessive, but as one commenter puts it, ‘you can wear white socks at my house all day & them still be white.’

For those of us with pets, the challenge of keeping floors clean is even greater. Pet hair can be particularly stubborn, and some have found success with dry dusting after vacuuming to ensure all the fur is collected. When it comes to bathrooms, particularly small ones, some people have resorted to wiping by hand around the toilet and then mopping and steaming to ensure a thorough clean.

If hair is the bane of your cleaning routine, a long-handled lint roller could be your new best friend. These handy tools can save you from the back-breaking work of wiping the floor on your hands and knees and prevent hair from sticking to your mop head. They’re available online, and while they come with a price tag, the investment might just revolutionise your cleaning game.

Have you tried wiping down your floors before mopping? Do you have any cleaning secrets that keep your home in tip-top shape? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below, and let’s help each other achieve the cleanest homes possible.

Also read: Transform your home cleaning routine for just $4

Abegail Abrugar
Abegail Abrugar
Abby is a dedicated writer with a passion for coaching, personal development, and empowering individuals to reach their full potential. With a strong background in leadership, she provides practical insights designed to inspire growth and positive change in others.


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