Why no woman should suffer through menopause anymore

By 2025, there will be over 1 billion women experiencing menopause in the world, which will be 12 per cent of the entire world population.

Symptoms including hot flashes and night sweats, are experienced by approximately 75 per cent of them.

These, along with other conditions, can lead to a significant reduction in a woman’s quality of life, increased utilization of medical resources and an overall loss of productivity.

The menopause market has historically been quite under-resourced – there aren’t many options available for women to manage their symptoms.

Traditional treatments include hormone replacement therapy (HRT), however many women can’t or don’t want to use HRT.

Hypnotherapy is safe, natural and has been shown to be an extremely effective way to manage menopause symptoms. Hypnotherapy can also be used in conjunction with treatments like HRT.

Hypnotherapy works by guiding you to a deep level of focused relaxation where in this state, your mind is open to suggestions.

You can be guided to focus on cooling images and suggestions on how to regulate temperature – training your mind to better reduce the severity and frequency of hot flashes.

Evia is the first digital therapeutic app designed to help manage the symptoms of menopause (i.e. hot flushes) in a natural way, using hypnotherapy to help you to self-manage symptoms of perimenopause and menopause through hypnosis-based guided imagery.

With Evia, you can take control of your menopause symptoms, drug-free.

Clinical trials have shown hypnotherapy can reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes by around 70-80 per cent – along with secondary benefits like improving the quality of sleep.

Hypnotherapy is recommended for managing menopausal symptoms by both The North American Menopause Society and Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG).

Start your seven-day free trial today: www.mindsethealth.com/evia

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