How to have a better holiday

Opportunities rarely come from saying ‘no’. When we say ‘yes’ we are opening ourselves to new experiences. Sometimes being out of your comfort zone, as often happens on holiday, is the best time to throw caution to the wind.

Holidays are made memorable because of the people you meet, the places you see and the memories you make. Often, we plan for these moments. We know which city we will be in on a certain date and which hotel we will be sleeping in at night. We may add popular tourist spots to our list and research best local restaurants. No matter what, a well-planned holiday is bound to be an amazing time. However, more often than not, the best moments during our trips are ones that we didn’t see coming.

Next time you’re on holiday, why not put yourself out there and see which opportunities arise?

Make a point of talking to people who are different
This might be other tourists at the restaurant, a food vendor with his street cart or a road-side performer. When we are out of our comfort zone, we tend to gravitate to people who are like us. Talking to people who are different in age, race and cultural background is more likely to offer us the chance to experience something different. You never where the person is headed and if they might invite you.

Plan to be spontaneous
Knowing where you’re going to sleep at night is reassuring but if you can handle it, try not to book accommodation more than a few days ahead – be careful during the busy seasons, however. If you’re really bold, you might wait until the very day to secure accommodation for the night. Who knows, you might discover that a small town nearby is hosting a festival or that your favourite musician is performing. Wouldn’t it be great if you had the freedom to hop on a train and just stay the night? Don’t forget, there’s always and for last-minute accommodation.

Immerse yourself in the culture
Any good trip involves cultural immersion. Say ‘yes’ to experiences that you wouldn’t normally be able to engage in at home. Eating deep-fried grasshopper in Vietnam? Yes. Getting up on stage to try some Flamenco dancing? Yes. Skydiving over the Alps in Switzerland? This one’s more of a judgement call. When we let go of our inhibitions and release ourselves to the moment, we find out how capable we are of spontaneity and courage.

When you enter the great unknown, opportunities present themselves everywhere. As a traveller, it’s your job to give yourself the best experience possible. After all, what else it travelling for if not to send you home as a different person?

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Amelia Theodorakis
Amelia Theodorakis
A writer and communications specialist with eight years’ in startups, SMEs, not-for-profits and corporates. Interests and expertise in gender studies, history, finance, banking, human interest, literature and poetry.


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