NBN rollout enters metro phase

The NBN rollout reached the halfway mark on Monday, with infrastructure installed past 5.7 million premises Australia-wide. By 2020, NBN Co expects to connect a total of 11.2 million premises and aims to have 8 million active customers using the network.

The $49 billion project had initially focused on rural and outer urban areas and is now entering its metropolitan phase. You can check to see when your street is due to have the NBN installed through the NBN website.

“I’m proud to announce that one in two Australians are now able to enjoy the benefits of fast broadband by connecting to the NBN network through a retailer. Nationwide access to fast broadband will become the platform to launch Australia into the next phase of its digital future – it will change what our jobs will look like, where we will live and how we fare on a global scale,” said NBN CEO Bill Morrow.

While 5.7 million premises are being counted, these numbers also include complexes and houses that currently cannot be connected because of unexplained issues that may take until October to resolve.

Since receiving connection notice in February and signing up to a NBN package, the YourLifeChoices office has received several revised resolution dates, the latest being 1 September 2017. We can only hope this isn’t the norm Australia-wide.

Has the NBN been installed in your area? What do you think of the NBN? Is it an upgrade on your previous connection? Do you pay more or less for your bills since the NBN was installed in your area?

Read more at nbnco.com.au
Read more at theage.com.au

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NBN rollout plans

Drew Patchell
Drew Patchell
Drew Patchell was the Digital Operations Manager of YourLifeChoices. He joined YourLifeChoices in 2005 after completing his Bachelor of Business at Swinburne University. Drew has a passion for all things technology which is only rivalled for his love of all things sport.
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