New cabinet announced

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has announced his new cabinet, which is tasked with providing ‘a government for the 21st century’. The new look cabinet sees the end of Joe Hockey’s 20-year parliamentary career, with the ex-treasurer overlooked for Defence Minister in favour of Senator Marise Payne, the first female to hold this portfolio.

“It has been a great honour to serve my local community as the second longest serving Member for North Sydney since Federation. I have no desire to break Billy Hughes’ record,” Mr Hockey said in a statement.

Also out of the cabinet is Kevin Andrews as Defence Minister, Eric Abetz and Ian McFarlane.

Kevin Andrews had this to say about his exclusion, “Frankly, my remaining in this job was not about me, it was all about the stability of our Defence Force in Australia and its leadership.

“Mr Turnbull’s decision now means there have been more defence ministers in Australia than prime ministers in the last three years.

“As you know defence is meant to be a natural strength for the Coalition, but during this Government it’s not always been the case and I’m proud of what therefore has been achieved.”

The number of women in the previous cabinet has doubled with the inclusion of Marise Payne, Kelly O’Dwyer as assistant Treasurer and Small Business Minister, and Michaelia Cash as Employment Minister and Minister for Women.

As was widely expected, Scott Morrison will move from Social Services to Treasurer.

In his announcement, Mr Turnbull noted that the changes were part of a “process of renewal”.

“[The] introduction of new talent means that … others have to leave. One of the great challenges for any leader is to ensure that there is renewal.

“That … we are able to bring up new talent, new faces, into leadership positions over time, and that often means, that invariably means in fact, that very capable people have to move on, stand aside so that others can come through. And that’s tough, for everybody concerned,” he said.

Out-going Prime Minister Tony Abbott did not get a portfolio and will continue as a backbencher, representing Warringah.

The changes are as follows:

Joe Hockey, Treasurer
Kevin Andrews, Defence Minster
Eric Abetz, Employment Minister
Ian McFarlane, Industry and Science Minister
Bruce Billson, Small Business Manager

On the move to
Scott Morrison, Treasurer
Christopher Pyne, Industry, Innovation and Science Minister
Marise Payne, Defence Minister
Fiona Nash, Rural Health Minister
Michaelia Cash, Minister for Women, Minister for Employment, Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Public Service
Kelly O’Dwyer, Small Business Minister and Assistant Treasurer
Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, Assistant Minister for Multicultural Affairs
Christian Porter, Social Services Minister
Steven Ciobo, Minister for International Development and the Pacific
Anne Ruston, Assistant Minister for Agriculture and Water
Josh Frydenberg, Resources, Energy and Northern Australia Minister
Simon Birmingham, Education and Training Minister
Arthur Sinodinos, Cabinet Secretary
Paul Fletcher, Territories, Local Government and Major Projects Minster  
Jamie Briggs, Cities and the Built Environment Minister
Mal Brough, Defence Materiel and Science Minister
James McGrath, Assistance Minister to the Prime Minister
Scott Ryan, Assistant Cabinet Secretary

No change
Warren Truss, Deputy Prime Minister, Infrastructure and Regional Development Minister
Julie Bishop, Foreign Affairs Minister
Susan Ley, Health and Sport Minister
Nigel Scullion, Indigenous Affairs Minister
Andrew Robb, Trade and Investment Minister
Greg Hunt, Environment Minister
Peter Dutton, Immigration and Border Protection Minister
Alan Tudge, Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister

Growing portfolio
Barnaby Joyce, Agriculture and Water Resources Minister
George Brandis, Attorney General and Government Senate Leader
Michael Keenan, Minister for Justice, Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Counter Terrorism

What do you think of the new cabinet? Has Malcolm Turnbull got the balance right? Should he have been more ruthless? Should there be a dedicated minister for Ageing?

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