Star’s reverse ageing regret

Friends star Courtney Cox says she regrets her “horrible” attempts to reverse ageing and, at 52-years-old, she is now saying she is reconciled to being comfortable looking older.

Speaking to Bear Grylls on an episode of Running Wild which aired in the US on Monday, Ms Cox spoke out about the unfair pressure put on older women to stay looking youthful.

She went on to say that she regrets some of the procedures she’s undergone to prevent the effects of ageing.

“Getting older has not been … I don’t think it’s the easiest thing. But I have learned lessons,” she said.

This is a different Courtney Cox who, years ago, had no problem using Botox and laser treatments to maintain her youthful appearance. Nowadays, the star says she’s more relaxed about her looks.

“Sometimes you find yourself trying and then you look at a picture of yourself and go, ‘Oh, God.’ Like, you look horrible. I have done things that I regret, and luckily they’re things that dissolve and go away. So, um, that’s good, because it’s not always been my best look. So, now I just have a new motto: ‘Just let it be,’” she said.

Cox joins a slew of female stars who are speaking up about ageing and the pressure to look young. Her Friends co-star, Jennifer Aniston, recently lashed out at the media for its “sport-like scrutiny and body shaming that occurs daily”.

The star of the Bridget Jones films, Renee Zellweger, 47, who recently denied that she had plastic surgery to maintain her youthful looks, also wrote in Huffington Post on 5 August:

“Too skinny, too fat, showing age, better as a brunette, cellulite thighs, facelift scandal, going bald, fat belly or bump? Ugly shoes, ugly feet, ugly smile, ugly hands, ugly dress, ugly laugh; headline material which emphasizes the implied variables meant to determine a person’s worth.”

What do you think of these reactions? Are female stars unfairly criticised about their body image? On a more personal note: do you feel as if you’re under pressure to look young in your later years? How do you feel about ageing gracefully?

Read more at The Guardian

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